miix Thought Leadership

The pressure to lock in sports placements is also hotter than ever. NCAA placements were cited to sell out at record speed, while Superbowl LVI ads sold out seven months ahead of the event. Bill C-218 has paved the path for more types of gambling to be allowed and Ontario is the first to launch its legal regulated market, sparking a whole new industry buying ads tied to sponsorship content.

This consideration of where to allocate ad spend is especially important in Canada, where we’re witnessing media spend per capita decline. This trend is unique to Canada. It means that brands in this market, more than others, need to ensure every dollar they put out is strategic and works its hardest. That means distributing ample budget to all channels in their media mixes, including digital and traditional.

There's a lot of buzz right now about a shortened workweek. If you haven't seen, Iceland ran a study from 2015-2019 of a 4-day work week that's quoted as an "Incredible Success". You can read more on that here.

I never realized how attached I had become to Mason during our covid time together until we faced the difficult decision to say goodbye. Lockdowns have provided challenges, but I am eternally grateful for the silver lining of having more days with my fur baby. They say dogs are a person's best friend, but dogs are also the best coworkers.

I was asked this question during a 1:1 mentoring chat yesterday. My answer may surprise you, it was no. When I share about My 5 Secrets to Success Analytics isn't a main focus. Yes, I've had a successful career in Analytics, and yes, it's quite on-trend right now. But that doesn't mean I think it's the way for everyone to future-proof their career. My #1 secret is: Do Something You Love.

Currently, Miix is supporting 4 small businesses with pro bono analytics research to provide momentum to their rebound and growth efforts. Here are some of the tips we have learned in our Customer Analytics journey.

I've spent a lot of time over the past week looking at ways to #ChooseToChallenge gender equality. One of my action steps is to use my voice to raise other women. So, today, on #IWD2021, I'm going to attempt to start a wave. Let's celebrate the women who have raised us in our careers. Let's use today to share these stories on social media.

Today is March 5th - National Employee Appreciation Day. A good opportunity to check in on our values and actions. How is your business actively looking at ways to support team members, support mental health, raise individuals up, reduce unconscious bias in the workplace, and treat others with kindness?

“I #ChooseToChallenge for a world where my daughters are considered for their leadership potential regardless of their gender." - Hilary Borndahl, CEO, Miix Analytics

It started with my hilarious 8-year-old asking me at dinner last night, "Mom, what do you do?". My quick-witted 10-year-old intercepted my answer, "Mom does Marketing Analytics. You know, Miiiiiiiiix Analytics, duh." To which her sister replied, "Yeah, but what is marketing?" Our 5-year-old felt the need to jump in at that point, "it's, like, ads." (Thanks to 'covid screentime' she has learned the definition of ads at an early age!)

Today marks the one month anniversary of Miix Analytic's Incorporation. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the support from my network. The messages, comments, likes, texts, and calls are very encouraging. 12,000 views on LinkedIn in our first week... simply amazing!

"You can be anything you want to be." said my mom. As she went along her own path, returning to school and changing her own career before my eyes.

Yesterday I had the joy of giving two guest lectures to a Marketing Research class at McGill University. I value these sessions, a chance to connect with the next generation of leaders. I usually try to blend trends in Analytics and Marketing Research with my journey and secrets to my success. Most groups seem to be most interested in my secrets.

As January comes to a close it is time to put plans into action. I've joined a number of virtual networking events this month and each one has included a break-out session to discuss, "what did you learn in 2020?" If I have to summarize it in one sentence it's, "Every no is a yes." If I only get one word it's, "Balance".

Yesterday I had the joy of giving two guest lectures to a Marketing Research class at McGill University. I value these sessions, a chance to connect with the next generation of leaders. I usually try to blend trends in Analytics and Marketing Research with my journey and secrets to my success. Most groups seem to be most interested in my secrets.

A small business I follow recently launched a new product. I'm very proud of this business. They have faced many challenges over COVID, and continue to work hard to pivot their business and survive the latest lockdown. However, I'm concerned their launch won't be successful.

Planning out a strategy for a small business in 2021 is not easy. This is probably the hardest year for most small businesses to envision how the year will play out.

Each new year presents us with an opportunity to renew, realign, and refocus our goals. By looking inward and having a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses, we can rise to the challenge of being a better version of ourselves.